Scribe payments and credit notes are always made in the payrun on the second Friday of the month. This will be for jobs completed prior to the first of that month. E.g the May pay run will take place on the second Friday of May and will include jobs completed prior to the 1st of May.
In order to move to your invoice and into the pay run your job must be fully complete, QA approved and has been 'marked as complete' on the platform.
We often receive queries of scribes who have completed and posted a job but it hasn't been included in their pay run before they realise the job was never fully marked complete in their scribe portal. As soon as you have posted your job on the deadline day, please make sure to log in and mark as complete.
For credit notes, always check if you need to add a credit note before marking as complete. Otherwise we will need to manually create the credit note for you and this may take longer and delay the credit note.